NYU Network Security Class
Fall '21 - ECE-GY 9383
General Information
Teaching staff:
Instructor: Prof. Danny Y. Huang (please reach out via Slack)
Course Assistant: Vaibhav Jain (please reach out via Slack)
Class: 14:00 - 16:30 every Thursday
Instructor's office hours:
In-person: 16:30 - 17:00 every Thursday
By appointment only: https://hdanny.org/office
Course Assistant (Vaibhav Jain)'s office hours:
By appointment only: https://calendly.com/jainsvaibhav/chat-with-vaibhav
If you have questions on setting up SEED labs, reach out to Vaibhav. All other questions go to Danny.
In person attendance: Rogers Hall
Live streaming:
Instructor's screen + low quality audio and video of the instructor:
https://nyu.zoom.us/j/94769131089 - The password is the classroom number with 3 digits.Whiteboard + instructor's audio and video: TBD
Both will be recorded. I encourge you to open both streams at the same time.
Class Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/nyu-security-privacy/signup (NYU only)
Background in undergraduate or graduate networking classes. A good foundation in networking and MAC/TCP/IP is required. If you have not taken networking as a course you should not be taking this course.
Grades (out of 100 points):
20 points - class participation, which includes...
5 points - in-class and/or on Slack questions and answers (e.g., asking questions and answering others' questions). Bonus: You're highly encouraged to ask good questions and also help your classmates answer questions.
15 points - in-class quizzes: For each quiz, you'll be given 100% as long as you complete the quiz; otherwise, you'll be given 0.
60 points - labs
Each lab account for 20 points
20 points - final project
5 points - proposal
5 points - interim presentation
10 points - final presentation
5 points - write-up
The final grade will be calculated based on this method.
Inclusion Statement
The NYU Tandon School values an inclusive and equitable environment for all our students. I hope to foster a sense of community in this class and consider it a place where individuals of all backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, national origins, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious and political affiliations, and abilities will be treated with respect. It is my intent that all students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. If this standard is not being upheld, please feel free to speak with me.